Friday 13 November 2015

Nutella being made in a factory

This is a video of how the Nutella is made and the processes it goes through by both machine and hand labour and how it is distributed and packaged also:

Nutella recipes

Nutella can be used in many recipes as well as just being eaten by itself or spread on toast. It can be used in many everyday foods and treats which everyone enjoys. it is such a good way of making treats as it is enjoyed by most people and is a sweet, affordable way of making nice desserts and snacks fro everyday events. Some examples of simple, easy to make snacks include:

Nutella stuffed frech toast.
Nutella-Stuffed French Toast

Straweberries and nutella.
Strawberries & Nutella

Nutella hot chocolate.
Nutella Hot Chocolate

Image source:

These are all delicious, easy to make drinks and foods which can be made using Nutella as it can be used in a large variety and is very versatile. It is used in many everyday foods that sometimes we don't even notice and is a simple way to make treats and small snacks for dinner parties or children's birthday parties also.

Factors which influence location

There is a lot involved in making a jar of Nutella. For example, all of the factors which influence the location of the factory and also the processes, which is using the companies inputs to make the actual product and how they do so. There are a lot of factors which influence where a factory is situated. For example if you need water as a main part of your business, you would be likely to situate your factory near a river.

Factors that influence location:

  1. Transport facilities
  2. Raw materials
  3. EU policies
  4. Labour
  5. Market
  6. Insurance
  7. Capital

image source:

The affect of Nutella on our bodies

Nutella is made out to be a healthy, but enjoyable spread but in reality it really isn't. It contains monosodium glutamate which is also known as E621. They slyly hide this E621 in one of the ingredients stated on the back of the Nutella jar called vanillin. It also contains the toxic emulsifier soybean lecithin which is an artificial flavouring even though Nutella says that their product contains no artificial colours and no artificial preservatives, misleading the consumer.

But, in some ways Nutella is healthy in comparison with some other chocolate spreads as it contains key vitamins. For example, hazelnuts which boost the health of your heart which makes it a nutritious snack to eat occasionally as it also contains a lot of saturated fats and other things as mentioned above. It also contains fibre which lowers your cholesterol therefore reducing your chances of heart problems and diseases etc.

Informaton source:

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